Natural Language Processing

ACTL3143 & ACTL5111 Deep Learning for Actuaries


Patrick Laub

Show the package imports
import random
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rnd
import pandas as pd

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import keras
from keras import layers
from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping
from keras.layers import Dense, Input
from keras.metrics import SparseTopKCategoricalAccuracy
from keras.models import Sequential

Natural Language Processing

What is NLP?

A field of research at the intersection of computer science, linguistics, and artificial intelligence that takes the naturally spoken or written language of humans and processes it with machines to automate or help in certain tasks

How the computer sees text

Spot the odd one out:

[112, 97, 116, 114, 105, 99, 107, 32, 108, 97, 117, 98]
[80, 65, 84, 82, 73, 67, 75, 32, 76, 65, 85, 66]
[76, 101, 118, 105, 32, 65, 99, 107, 101, 114, 109, 97, 110]

Generated by:

print([ord(x) for x in "patrick laub"])
print([ord(x) for x in "PATRICK LAUB"])
print([ord(x) for x in "Levi Ackerman"])

The ord built-in turns characters into their ASCII form.


The largest value for a character is 127, can you guess why?


American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Unicode is the new standard.

Random strings

The built-in chr function turns numbers into characters.

chars = [chr(rnd.randint(32, 127)) for _ in range(10)]
['E', ',', 'h', ')', 'k', '%', 'o', '`', '0', '!']
" ".join(chars)
'E , h ) k % o ` 0 !'
"".join([chr(rnd.randint(32, 127)) for _ in range(50)])
"lg&9R42t+<=.Rdww~v-)'_]6Y! \\q(x-Oh>g#f5QY#d8Kl:TpI"
"".join([chr(rnd.randint(0, 128)) for _ in range(50)])
'R\x0f@D\x19obW\x07\x1a\x19h\x16\tCg~\x17}d\x1b%9S&\x08 "\n\x17\x0foW\x19Gs\\J>. X\x177AqM\x03\x00x'

Escape characters

Hello,  world!
print("Line 1\nLine 2")
Line 1
Line 2
print("C:\tom\new folder")
C:  om
ew folder

Escape the backslash:

print("C:\\tom\\new folder")
C:\tom\new folder

Non-natural language processing I

How would you evaluate

10 + 2 * -3

All that Python sees is a string of characters.

[ord(c) for c in "10 + 2 * -3"]
[49, 48, 32, 43, 32, 50, 32, 42, 32, 45, 51]
10 + 2 * -3

Non-natural language processing II

Python first tokenizes the string:

import tokenize
import io

code = "10 + 2 * -3"
tokens = tokenize.tokenize(io.BytesIO(code.encode("utf-8")).readline)
for token in tokens:
TokenInfo(type=63 (ENCODING), string='utf-8', start=(0, 0), end=(0, 0), line='')
TokenInfo(type=2 (NUMBER), string='10', start=(1, 0), end=(1, 2), line='10 + 2 * -3')
TokenInfo(type=54 (OP), string='+', start=(1, 3), end=(1, 4), line='10 + 2 * -3')
TokenInfo(type=2 (NUMBER), string='2', start=(1, 5), end=(1, 6), line='10 + 2 * -3')
TokenInfo(type=54 (OP), string='*', start=(1, 7), end=(1, 8), line='10 + 2 * -3')
TokenInfo(type=54 (OP), string='-', start=(1, 9), end=(1, 10), line='10 + 2 * -3')
TokenInfo(type=2 (NUMBER), string='3', start=(1, 10), end=(1, 11), line='10 + 2 * -3')
TokenInfo(type=4 (NEWLINE), string='', start=(1, 11), end=(1, 12), line='')
TokenInfo(type=0 (ENDMARKER), string='', start=(2, 0), end=(2, 0), line='')

Non-natural language processing III

Python needs to parse the tokens into an abstract syntax tree.

import ast

print(ast.dump(ast.parse("10 + 2 * -3"), indent="  "))

graph TD;
    Expr --> C[Add]
    C --> D[10]
    C --> E[Mult]
    E --> F[2]
    E --> G[USub]
    G --> H[3]

Non-natural language processing IV

The abstract syntax tree is then compiled into bytecode.

import dis

def expression(a, b, c):
    return a + b * -c

  3           0 RESUME                   0

  4           2 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
              4 LOAD_FAST                1 (b)
              6 LOAD_FAST                2 (c)
              8 UNARY_NEGATIVE
             10 BINARY_OP                5 (*)
             14 BINARY_OP                0 (+)
             18 RETURN_VALUE

Running the bytecode

ChatGPT tokenization

Example of GPT 3.5/4’s tokenization

Applications of NLP in Industry

1) Classifying documents: Using the language within a body of text to classify it into a particular category, e.g.:

  • Grouping emails into high and low urgency
  • Movie reviews into positive and negative sentiment (i.e. sentiment analysis)
  • Company news into bullish (positive) and bearish (negative) statements

2) Machine translation: Assisting language translators with machine-generated suggestions from a source language (e.g. English) to a target language

Applications of NLP in Industry

3) Search engine functions, including:

  • Autocomplete
  • Predicting what information or website user is seeking

4) Speech recognition: Interpreting voice commands to provide information or take action. Used in virtual assistants such as Alexa, Siri, and Cortana

Deep learning & NLP?

Simple NLP applications such as spell checkers and synonym suggesters do not require deep learning and can be solved with deterministic, rules-based code with a dictionary/thesaurus.

More complex NLP applications such as classifying documents, search engine word prediction, and chatbots are complex enough to be solved using deep learning methods.

NLP in 1966-1973 #1

A typical story occurred in early machine translation efforts, which were generously funded by the U.S. National Research Council in an attempt to speed up the translation of Russian scientific papers in the wake of the Sputnik launch in 1957. It was thought initially that simple syntactic transformations, based on the grammars of Russian and English, and word replacement from an electronic dictionary, would suffice to preserve the exact meanings of sentences.

NLP in 1966-1973 #2

The fact is that accurate translation requires background knowledge in order to resolve ambiguity and establish the content of the sentence. The famous retranslation of “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” as “the vodka is good but the meat is rotten” illustrates the difficulties encountered. In 1966, a report by an advisory committee found that “there has been no machine translation of general scientific text, and none is in immediate prospect.” All U.S. government funding for academic translation projects was canceled.

High-level history of deep learning

A brief history of deep learning.

Car Crash Police Reports

Downloading the dataset

Look at the (U.S.) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey (NMVCCS) dataset.

1from pathlib import Path

2if not Path("NHTSA_NMVCCS_extract.parquet.gzip").exists():
    print("Downloading dataset")                                    
4df = pd.read_parquet("NHTSA_NMVCCS_extract.parquet.gzip")
5print(f"shape of DataFrame: {df.shape}")
Imports Path class from pathlib library
Checks whether the zip folder already exists
If it doesn’t, gets the folder from the given location
Reads the zipped parquet file and stores it as a data frame. parquet is an efficient data storage format, similar to .csv
Prints the shape of the data frame
shape of DataFrame: (6949, 16)


  • level_0, index, SCASEID: all useless row numbers
  • SUMMARY_EN and SUMMARY_GE: summaries of the accident
  • NUMTOTV: total number of vehicles involved in the accident
  • WEATHER1 to WEATHER8 (not one-hot):
    • WEATHER1: cloudy
    • WEATHER2: snow
    • WEATHER3: fog, smog, smoke
    • WEATHER4: rain
    • WEATHER5: sleet, hail (freezing drizzle or rain)
    • WEATHER6: blowing snow
    • WEATHER7: severe crosswinds
    • WEATHER8: other
  • INJSEVA and INJSEVB: injury severity & (binary) presence of bodily injury

The analysis will ignore variables level_0, index, SCASEID, SUMMARY_GE and INJSEVA.

Crash summaries

0       V1, a 2000 Pontiac Montana minivan, made a lef...
1       The crash occurred in the eastbound lane of a ...
2       This crash occurred just after the noon time h...
6946    The crash occurred in the eastbound lanes of a...
6947    This single-vehicle crash occurred in a rural ...
6948    This two vehicle daytime collision occurred mi...
Name: SUMMARY_EN, Length: 6949, dtype: object

The SUMMARY_EN column contains summary of the accidents. There are 6949 rows corresponding to 6949 accidents. The data type is object, therefore, it will perform string (not mathematical) operations on the data. The following code shows how to generate a histogram for the length of the string. It looks at each entry of the column SUMMARY_EN, computes the length of the string (number of letters in the string), and create a histogram. The histogram shows that summaries are 2000 characters long on average.

df["SUMMARY_EN"].map(lambda summary: len(summary)).hist(grid=False);

A crash summary

The following code looks at the data entry for integer location 1 from the SUMMARY_EN data column in the dataframe df.

"The crash occurred in the eastbound lane of a two-lane, two-way asphalt roadway on level grade.  The conditions were daylight and wet with cloudy skies in the early afternoon on a weekday.\t\r \r V1, a 1995 Chevrolet Lumina was traveling eastbound.  V2, a 2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer was also traveling eastbound on the same roadway.  V2, was attempting to make a left-hand turn into a private drive on the North side of the roadway.  While turning V1 attempted to pass V2 on the left-hand side contacting it's front to the left side of V2.  Both vehicles came to final rest on the roadway at impact.\r \r The driver of V1 fled the scene and was not identified, so no further information could be obtained from him.  The Driver of V2 stated that the driver was a male and had hit his head and was bleeding.  She did not pursue the driver because she thought she saw a gun. The officer said that the car had been reported stolen.\r \r The Critical Precrash Event for the driver of V1 was this vehicle traveling over left lane line on the left side of travel.  The Critical Reason for the Critical Event was coded as unknown reason for the critical event because the driver was not available. \r \r The driver of V2 was a 41-year old female who had reported that she had stopped prior to turning to make sure she was at the right house.  She was going to show a house for a client.  She had no health related problems.  She had taken amoxicillin.  She does not wear corrective lenses and felt rested.  She was not injured in the crash.\r \r The Critical Precrash Event for the driver of V2 was other vehicle encroachment from adjacent lane over left lane line.  The Critical Reason for the Critical Event was not coded for this vehicle and the driver of V2 was not thought to have contributed to the crash."

Note that the output is with in double quotations. Further, we can see characters like \r \t in the output. This allows us to copy the entire output, and insert it in any python code for running codes. It is different from printing the output.

Carriage returns


Passing the print command for df["SUMMARY_EN"].iloc[1] returns an output without the double quotations. Furthermore, the characters like \r \t are now activated in to ‘carriage return’ and ‘tab’ controls respectively. If ‘carriage return’ characters are activated (without newline character \n following it), then it can write next text over the previous lines and create confusion in the text processing.

The Critical Precrash Event for the driver of V2 was other vehicle encroachment from adjacent lane over left lane line.  The Critical Reason for the Critical Event was not coded for this vehicle and the driver of V2 was not thought to have contributed to the crash.r corrective lenses and felt rested.  She was not injured in the crash. of V2.  Both vehicles came to final rest on the roadway at impact.

To avoid such confusions in text processing, we can write a function to replace \r character with \n in the following manner, and apply the function to the entire SUMMARY_EN column using the map function.

# Replace every \r with \n
def replace_carriage_return(summary):
    return summary.replace("\r", "\n")

df["SUMMARY_EN"] = df["SUMMARY_EN"].map(replace_carriage_return)
The crash occurred in the eastbound lane of a two-lane, two-way asphalt roadway on level grade.  The conditions were daylight and wet with cloudy skies in the early afternoon on a weekday.    
 V1, a 1995 Chevrolet Lumina was traveling eastbound.  V2, a 2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer was also traveling eastbound on the same roadway.  V2, was attempting to make a left-hand turn into a private drive on the North side of the roadway.  While turning V1 attempted to pass V2 on the left-hand side contactin


Predict number of vehicles in the crash.

1    .sort_index()
The code selects the column with total number of vehicles NUMTOTV, obtain the value counts for each categories, returns the sorted vector.
1    1822
2    4151
3     783
4     150
5      34
6       5
7       2
8       1
9       1
Name: count, dtype: int64
np.sum(df["NUMTOTV"] > 3)

Simplify the target to just:

  • 1 vehicle
  • 2 vehicles
  • 3+ vehicles
df["NUM_VEHICLES"] = \
  df["NUMTOTV"].map(lambda x: \
1    str(x) if x <= 2 else "3+")
Writes a function to reduce categories to 3, by combining all categories with 3 or more vehicles into one category
1     1822
2     4151
3+     976
Name: count, dtype: int64

Just ignore this for now…


for i, summary in enumerate(df["SUMMARY_EN"]):
    word_numbers = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten"]
    num_cars = 10
    new_car_nums = [f"V{rnd.randint(100, 10000)}" for _ in range(num_cars)]
    num_spaces = 4

    for car in range(1, num_cars+1):
        new_num = new_car_nums[car-1]
        summary = summary.replace(f"V-{car}", new_num)
        summary = summary.replace(f"Vehicle {word_numbers[car-1]}", new_num).replace(f"vehicle {word_numbers[car-1]}", new_num)
        summary = summary.replace(f"Vehicle #{word_numbers[car-1]}", new_num).replace(f"vehicle #{word_numbers[car-1]}", new_num)
        summary = summary.replace(f"Vehicle {car}", new_num).replace(f"vehicle {car}", new_num)
        summary = summary.replace(f"Vehicle #{car}", new_num).replace(f"vehicle #{car}", new_num)
        summary = summary.replace(f"Vehicle # {car}", new_num).replace(f"vehicle # {car}", new_num)

        for j in range(num_spaces+1):
            summary = summary.replace(f"V{' '*j}{car}", new_num).replace(f"V{' '*j}#{car}", new_num).replace(f"V{' '*j}# {car}", new_num)
            summary = summary.replace(f"v{' '*j}{car}", new_num).replace(f"v{' '*j}#{car}", new_num).replace(f"v{' '*j}# {car}", new_num)
    df.loc[i, "SUMMARY_EN"] = summary

Convert y to integers & split the data

1from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
2target_labels = df["NUM_VEHICLES"]
3target = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(target_labels)
Imports the LabelEncoder from sklearn.preprocessing library
Defines the target variable
Fit and transform the target variable using LabelEncoder
array([1, 1, 1, ..., 2, 0, 1])
1weather_cols = [f"WEATHER{i}" for i in range(1, 9)]
2features = df[["SUMMARY_EN"] + weather_cols]

X_main, X_test, y_main, y_test = \
3    train_test_split(features, target, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)

# As 0.25 x 0.8 = 0.2
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = \
4    train_test_split(X_main, y_main, test_size=0.25, random_state=1)

5X_train.shape, X_val.shape, X_test.shape
Creates a list that returns column names of weather conditions, i.e. ['WEATHER1', 'WEATHER2', 'WEATHER3', 'WEATHER4', 'WEATHER5', 'WEATHER6', 'WEATHER7', 'WEATHER8']
Defines the feature vector by selecting relevant columns from the data frame df
Splits the data into train and validation sets
Further divides the validation set into validation set and test set
Prints the dimensions of the data frames
((4169, 9), (1390, 9), (1390, 9))
print([np.mean(y_train == y) for y in [0, 1, 2]])
[0.25833533221396016, 0.6032621731830176, 0.1384024946030223]

Text Vectorisation

Text vectorisation is a method to convert text into a numerical representation.

Grab the start of a few summaries

first_summaries = X_train["SUMMARY_EN"].iloc[:3]
2532    This crash occurred in the early afternoon of ...
6209    This two-vehicle crash occurred in a four-legg...
2561    The crash occurred in the eastbound direction ...
Name: SUMMARY_EN, dtype: object
1first_words = txt: txt.split(" ")[:7])
Takes the first_summaries, converts the string of words in to a list of words by breaking the string at spaces and returns the first 7 words
2532    [This, crash, occurred, in, the, early, aftern...
6209    [This, two-vehicle, crash, occurred, in, a, fo...
2561    [The, crash, occurred, in, the, eastbound, dir...
Name: SUMMARY_EN, dtype: object
1start_of_summaries = txt: " ".join(txt))
Joint the words in the list with a space in between to return a string
2532          This crash occurred in the early afternoon
6209    This two-vehicle crash occurred in a four-legged
2561       The crash occurred in the eastbound direction
Name: SUMMARY_EN, dtype: object

Count words in the first summaries

1from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

2vect = CountVectorizer()
3counts = vect.fit_transform(start_of_summaries)
4vocab = vect.get_feature_names_out()
print(len(vocab), vocab)
Imports the CountVectorizer class from the sklearn.feature_extraction.text library. CountVectorizer goes through a text document, identifies distinct words in it, and returns a sparse matrix.
Applies fit_transform function to the start_of_summaries
Stores the distinct words in the vector vocab
Returns the number of distinct words, and the words themselves
13 ['afternoon' 'crash' 'direction' 'early' 'eastbound' 'four' 'in' 'legged'
 'occurred' 'the' 'this' 'two' 'vehicle']
<3x13 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
    with 21 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>

Giving the command to return counts does not return the matrix in full form. Since python saves the matrix in a Therefore, we use the following code.

array([[1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
       [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
       [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0]])

In the above matrix, rows correspond to the data entries (strings), columns correspond to distinct words, and cell entries correspond to the frequencies of distinct words in each row

Encode new sentences to BoW

    "first car hit second car in a crash",
    "ipad os 16 beta released",
Applies transform to two new lines of data. vect.transform applies the already fitted transformation to the new data. It goes through the new data entries, identifies words that were seen during fit_transform stage, and returns a matrix containing the counts of distinct words (identified during fitting stage).
<2x13 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int64'>'
    with 2 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format>

Note that the matrix is stored in a special format in python, hence, we must pass the command to convert it to an array using the following code.

    "first car hit second car in a crash",
    "ipad os 18 beta released",
array([[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])

There are couple issues with the output. Since the transform function, will identify only the words trained during the fit_transform stage, it will not recognize the new words. The returned matrix can only say whether new data contains words seen during the fitting stage or not. We can see how the matrix returns an entire row of zero values for the second line.

['afternoon' 'crash' 'direction' 'early' 'eastbound' 'four' 'in' 'legged'
 'occurred' 'the' 'this' 'two' 'vehicle']

Bag of n-grams

The same CountVectorizer class can be customized to look at 2 words too. This is useful in some situations. For example, the word ‘new’ and ‘york’ separately might not be meaningful, but together, it can. This motivates the n-grams option. The following code CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2)) is an example of giving instructions to look for phrases with one word and two words.

vect = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 2))
counts = vect.fit_transform(start_of_summaries)
vocab = vect.get_feature_names_out()
print(len(vocab), vocab)
27 ['afternoon' 'crash' 'crash occurred' 'direction' 'early'
 'early afternoon' 'eastbound' 'eastbound direction' 'four' 'four legged'
 'in' 'in four' 'in the' 'legged' 'occurred' 'occurred in' 'the'
 'the crash' 'the early' 'the eastbound' 'this' 'this crash' 'this two'
 'two' 'two vehicle' 'vehicle' 'vehicle crash']
array([[1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
       [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
        1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
       [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])

See: Google Books Ngram Viewer


Stands for term frequency-inverse document frequency.

Infographic explaining TF-IDF

term frequency-inverse document frequency measures the importance of a word across documents. It first computes the frequency of term x in the document y and weights it by a measure of how common it is. The intuition here is that, the more the word x appears across documents, the less important it becomes.

Bag Of Words

Count words in all the summaries

1vect = CountVectorizer()["SUMMARY_EN"])
3vocab = list(vect.get_feature_names_out())
Defines the class CountVectorizer() as vect
Fits the vectorizer to the entire column of SUMMARY_EN
Stores the distinct words as a list
Returns the number of unique words

The above code returns 18866 number of unique words.

1vocab[:5], vocab[len(vocab)//2:(len(vocab)//2 + 5)], vocab[-5:]
Returns (i) the first five elements, (ii) the middle five elements and (iii) the last five elements of the array.
(['00', '000', '000lbs', '003', '005'],
 ['swinger', 'swinging', 'swipe', 'swiped', 'swiping'],
 ['zorcor', 'zotril', 'zx2', 'zx5', 'zyrtec'])

Create the X matrices

The following function is designed to select and vectorize the text column of a given dataset, and then combine it with the other non-textual columns of the same dataset.

1def vectorise_dataset(X, vect, txt_col="SUMMARY_EN", dataframe=False):
2    X_vects = vect.transform(X[txt_col]).toarray()
3    X_other = X.drop(txt_col, axis=1)

4    if not dataframe:
        return np.concatenate([X_vects, X_other], axis=1)                           
        # Add column names and indices to the combined dataframe.
5        vocab = list(vect.get_feature_names_out())
6        X_vects_df = pd.DataFrame(X_vects, columns=vocab, index=X.index)
7        return pd.concat([X_vects_df, X_other], axis=1)
Defines the function vectorise_dataset which takes in the dataframe X, an instance of a fitted vectorizer, the name of the text column, a boolean function defining whether we want the output in dataframe format or numpy array format
Transforms the text column based on a already fitted vectorizer function
Drops the column containing text data from the dataframe
If dataframe=False, then returns a numpy array by concatenating non-textual data and vectorized text data
Otherwise, extracts the unique words as a list
Generates a dataframe, with columns names vocab, while preserving the index from the original dataset X
Concatenates X_vects_df with the remaining non-textual data and returns the output as a dataframe
X_train_bow = vectorise_dataset(X_train, vect)
X_val_bow = vectorise_dataset(X_val, vect)
X_test_bow = vectorise_dataset(X_test, vect)

Check the input matrix

vectorise_dataset(X_train, vect, dataframe=True)
00 000 000lbs 003 005 007 00am 00pm 00tydo2 01 ... zx5 zyrtec WEATHER1 WEATHER2 WEATHER3 WEATHER4 WEATHER5 WEATHER6 WEATHER7 WEATHER8
2532 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6209 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2561 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6882 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6356 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4169 rows × 18874 columns

The above code returns the output matrix and it contains 4169 rows with 18874 columns. Next, we build a simple neural network on the data, to predict the probabilities of number of vehicles involved in the accident.

Make a simple dense model

1num_features = X_train_bow.shape[1]
2num_cats = 3 # 1, 2, 3+ vehicles

3def build_model(num_features, num_cats):
4    random.seed(42)
    model = Sequential([
        Dense(100, activation="relu"),
        Dense(num_cats, activation="softmax")
5    ])
6    topk = SparseTopKCategoricalAccuracy(k=2, name="topk")
    model.compile("adam", "sparse_categorical_crossentropy",
7        metrics=["accuracy", topk])
    return model
Stores the number of input features in num_features
Stores the number of output features in num_cats
Starts building the model by giving number of input and output features as parameters
Sets the random seed for reproducibility
Constructs the neural network with 2 dense layers. Since the output must be a vector of probabilities, we choose softmax activation in the output layer
Defines the a customized metric to keep track of during the training. The metric will compute the accuracy by looking at top 2 classes(the 2 classes with highest predicted probability) and checking if either of them contains the true class
Compiles the model with the adam optimizer, loss function and metrics to monitor. Here we ask the model to optimize sparse_categorical_crossentropy loss while keeping track of sparse_categorical_crossentropy for the top 2 classes

Inspect the model

model = build_model(num_features, num_cats)
2024-07-14 12:36:59.033025: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] failed call to cuInit: CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE: no CUDA-capable device is detected
2024-07-14 12:36:59.033123: I external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] retrieving CUDA diagnostic information for host: luthen
2024-07-14 12:36:59.033128: I external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] hostname: luthen
2024-07-14 12:36:59.033209: I external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] libcuda reported version is: 550.90.7
2024-07-14 12:36:59.033228: I external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] kernel reported version is: 550.90.7
2024-07-14 12:36:59.033232: I external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] kernel version seems to match DSO: 550.90.7
Model: "sequential"
┃ Layer (type)                     Output Shape                  Param # ┃
│ dense (Dense)                   │ (None, 100)            │     1,887,500 │
│ dense_1 (Dense)                 │ (None, 3)              │           303 │
 Total params: 1,887,803 (7.20 MB)
 Trainable params: 1,887,803 (7.20 MB)
 Non-trainable params: 0 (0.00 B)

The model summary shows that there are 1,887,803 parameters to learn. This is because we have 188500 (18874*100 weights + 100 biases) parameters to train in the first layer.

Fit & evaluate the model

es = EarlyStopping(patience=1, restore_best_weights=True,
    monitor="val_accuracy", verbose=2)
%time hist =, y_train, epochs=10, \
    callbacks=[es], validation_data=(X_val_bow, y_val), verbose=0);
Epoch 5: early stopping
Restoring model weights from the end of the best epoch: 4.
CPU times: user 20.3 s, sys: 1.56 s, total: 21.9 s
Wall time: 9.16 s

Results from training the neural network shows that the model performs almost perfectly for the in sample data, and with very high accuracies for both validation and test data.

model.evaluate(X_train_bow, y_train, verbose=0)
[0.002541527384892106, 1.0, 1.0]
model.evaluate(X_val_bow, y_val, verbose=0)
[2.776606559753418, 0.9453237652778625, 0.9949640035629272]

As this happens to be the best in validation set, we can check the performance on the test set.

model.evaluate(X_test_bow, y_test, verbose=0)
[0.1902949959039688, 0.9374100565910339, 0.9971222877502441]

Limiting The Vocabulary

Although the previous model performed really well, it had a very large number of parameters to train. Therefore, it is worth checking whether there is a way to limit the vocabulary. One way would be to look at only the most frequent words occurring

The max_features value

One way would be to select the most frequent words. The following code shows how we can choose max_features option to select the 10 words that occur most. This simplifies the problem, however, we might miss out on important words that might add value to the task. For example, and, for and of are among the selected words, but they are less meaningful.

vect = CountVectorizer(max_features=10)["SUMMARY_EN"])
vocab = vect.get_feature_names_out()
['and' 'driver' 'for' 'in' 'lane' 'of' 'the' 'to' 'vehicle' 'was']

What is left?

for i in range(3):
    sentence = X_train["SUMMARY_EN"].iloc[i]
    for word in sentence.split(" ")[:10]:
        word_or_qn = word if word in vocab else "?"
        print(word_or_qn, end=" ")
? ? ? in the ? ? of ? ? 

? ? ? ? in ? ? ? ? ? 

? ? ? in the ? ? of ? ? 
for i in range(3):
    sentence = X_train["SUMMARY_EN"].iloc[i]
    num_words = 0
    for word in sentence.split(" "):
        if word in vocab:
            print(word, end=" ")
            num_words += 1
        if num_words == 10:
in the of in the of of was and was 

in and of in and for the of the and 

in the of to was was of was was and 

Remove stop words

One way to overcome selecting less meaningful words would be to use the option 'stop_words="english' option. This option checks if the set of selected words contain common words, and ignore them when selecting the most frequent words.

vect = CountVectorizer(max_features=10, stop_words="english")["SUMMARY_EN"])
vocab = vect.get_feature_names_out()
['coded' 'crash' 'critical' 'driver' 'event' 'intersection' 'lane' 'left'
 'roadway' 'vehicle']
for i in range(3):
    sentence = X_train["SUMMARY_EN"].iloc[i]
    num_words = 0
    for word in sentence.split(" "):
        if word in vocab:
            print(word, end=" ")
            num_words += 1
        if num_words == 10:
crash intersection roadway roadway roadway intersection lane lane intersection driver 

crash roadway left roadway roadway roadway lane lane roadway crash 

crash vehicle left left vehicle driver vehicle lane lane coded 

Keep 1,000 most frequent words

vect = CountVectorizer(max_features=1_000, stop_words="english")["SUMMARY_EN"])
vocab = vect.get_feature_names_out()
print(vocab[:5], vocab[len(vocab)//2:(len(vocab)//2 + 5)], vocab[-5:])
['10' '105' '113' '12' '15'] ['interruption' 'intersected' 'intersecting' 'intersection' 'interstate'] ['year' 'years' 'yellow' 'yield' 'zone']

The above output shows, how selecting just 1000 words would still contain less meaningful phrases. Also, we can see how the same word(but slightly differently spelled) are appearing together. This redundancy does not add value either. For example year and years.

Create the X matrices:

X_train_bow = vectorise_dataset(X_train, vect)
X_val_bow = vectorise_dataset(X_val, vect)
X_test_bow = vectorise_dataset(X_test, vect)

What is left?

for i in range(10):
    sentence = X_train["SUMMARY_EN"].iloc[i]
    num_words = 0
    for word in sentence.split(" "):
        if word in vocab:
            print(word, end=" ")
            num_words += 1
        if num_words == 10:
crash occurred early afternoon weekday middle suburban intersection consisted lanes 

crash occurred roadway level consists lanes direction center left turn 

crash occurred eastbound direction entrance ramp right curved road uphill 

crash occurred straight roadway consists lanes direction center left turn 

collision occurred evening hours crash occurred level bituminous roadway residential 

vehicle crash occurred daylight location lane undivided left curved downhill 

vehicle crash occurred early morning daylight hours roadway traffic roadway 

crash occurred northbound lanes northbound southbound slightly street curved posted 

crash occurred eastbound lanes access highway weekend roadway consisted lanes 

collision occurred intersection north south traffic controlled stop roadways left 

Check the input matrix

vectorise_dataset(X_train, vect, dataframe=True)
10 105 113 12 15 150 16 17 18 180 ... yield zone WEATHER1 WEATHER2 WEATHER3 WEATHER4 WEATHER5 WEATHER6 WEATHER7 WEATHER8
2532 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6209 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2561 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6882 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6356 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4169 rows × 1008 columns

Make & inspect the model

num_features = X_train_bow.shape[1]
model = build_model(num_features, num_cats)
Model: "sequential_1"
┃ Layer (type)                     Output Shape                  Param # ┃
│ dense_2 (Dense)                 │ (None, 100)            │       100,900 │
│ dense_3 (Dense)                 │ (None, 3)              │           303 │
 Total params: 101,203 (395.32 KB)
 Trainable params: 101,203 (395.32 KB)
 Non-trainable params: 0 (0.00 B)

From the above summary, we can see how we have brought down the number of parameters to be trained down to 101,203. That is done by reducing the number of covariates, not by reducing the number of neurons.

Fit & evaluate the model

es = EarlyStopping(patience=1, restore_best_weights=True,
    monitor="val_accuracy", verbose=2)
%time hist =, y_train, epochs=10, \
    callbacks=[es], validation_data=(X_val_bow, y_val), verbose=0);
Epoch 3: early stopping
Restoring model weights from the end of the best epoch: 2.
CPU times: user 1.91 s, sys: 231 ms, total: 2.15 s
Wall time: 2.35 s

The following results show how despite dropping so many covariates, the trained model is still able to achieve a performance similar to the previous case.

model.evaluate(X_train_bow, y_train, verbose=0)
[0.1021684780716896, 0.9815303683280945, 0.9990405440330505]
model.evaluate(X_val_bow, y_val, verbose=0)
[2.4335882663726807, 0.9381294846534729, 0.9942445755004883]

Intelligently Limit The Vocabulary

While it is helpful to reduce complexity and redundancy in natural language processing using options like max_features and stop_words, they alone are not enough. The following code shows how despite using above commands, we still end up with similar words which do not add value for the processing task. Therefore, looking for ways to intelligently limit vocabulary is useful.

Keep 1,000 most frequent words

vect = CountVectorizer(max_features=1_000, stop_words="english")["SUMMARY_EN"])
vocab = vect.get_feature_names_out()
print(vocab[:5], vocab[len(vocab)//2:(len(vocab)//2 + 5)], vocab[-5:])
['10' '105' '113' '12' '15'] ['interruption' 'intersected' 'intersecting' 'intersection' 'interstate'] ['year' 'years' 'yellow' 'yield' 'zone']

Spacy is a popular open-source library that is used to analyse data and carry out prediction tasks related to natural language processing.

Install spacy

1!pip install spacy
2!python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
Installs the library spacy
Downloads the trained model en_core_web_sm which a small, efficient English language model trained using text data. It can be used for tasks like lemmatization, tokenization etc.
1import spacy

2nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
3doc = nlp("Apple is looking at buying U.K. startup for $1 billion")
for token in doc:
4    print(token.text, token.pos_, token.dep_, token.lemma_)
Imports the library
Loads the model and stores it as nlp
Applies nlp model to the given string for processing. Processing involves tokenization, part-of-speech application, dependency application etc.
Returns information about each token(word) in the line. token.text returns each word in the string, token.pos_ returns the part-of-speech; the grammatical category of the word, and token.dep_ which provides information about the syntactic relationship of the word to the rest of the words in the string.
Apple PROPN nsubj Apple
is AUX aux be
looking VERB ROOT look
at ADP prep at
buying VERB pcomp buy
U.K. PROPN dobj U.K.
startup NOUN dobj startup
for ADP prep for
$ SYM quantmod $
1 NUM compound 1
billion NUM pobj billion


“Stemming refers to the process of removing suffixes and reducing a word to some base form such that all different variants of that word can be represented by the same form (e.g., “car” and “cars” are both reduced to “car”). This is accomplished by applying a fixed set of rules (e.g., if the word ends in “-es,” remove “-es”). More such examples are shown in Figure 2-7. Although such rules may not always end up in a linguistically correct base form, stemming is commonly used in search engines to match user queries to relevant documents and in text classification to reduce the feature space to train machine learning models.”


“Lemmatization is the process of mapping all the different forms of a word to its base word, or lemma. While this seems close to the definition of stemming, they are, in fact, different. For example, the adjective “better,” when stemmed, remains the same. However, upon lemmatization, this should become “good,” as shown in Figure 2-7. Lemmatization requires more linguistic knowledge, and modeling and developing efficient lemmatizers remains an open problem in NLP research even now.”

Stemming and lemmatizing

Examples of stemming and lemmatization

Original: “The striped bats are hanging on their feet for best”

Stemmed: “the stripe bat are hang on their feet for best”

Lemmatized: “the stripe bat be hang on their foot for good”



organization -> organ

civilization -> civil

information -> inform

consultant -> consult


[‘I’, ‘will’, ‘be’, ‘back’, ‘.’]

I’ll be back (Terminator)

[‘here’, ‘be’, ‘look’, ‘at’, ‘you’, ‘,’, ‘kid’, ‘.’]

“Here’s looking at you, kid.” (Casablanca)

Lemmatize the text

Lemmatization refers to the act of reducing the words in to its base form. For example; reduced form of looking would be look. The following code shows how we can lemmatize the a text, by first processing it with nlp.

1def lemmatize(txt):
2    doc = nlp(txt)
    good_tokens = [token.lemma_.lower() for token in doc \
        if not token.like_num and \
           not token.is_punct and \
           not token.is_space and \
           not token.is_currency and \
3           not token.is_stop]
4    return " ".join(good_tokens)
Starts defining the function which taken in a string of text as input
Sends the text through nlp model
For each token(word) in the document, first it takes the lemma of the token, converts it to lower case and then applies several filters on the lemmatized token to select only the good tokens. The filtering process filters out numbers, punctuation marks, white spaces, currency signs and stop words like the and and
Joins the good tokens and returns it as a string
test_str = "Incident at 100kph and '10 incidents -13.3%' are incidental?\t $5"
'incident 100kph incident incidental'
test_str = "I interviewed 5-years ago, 150 interviews every year at 10:30 are.."
'interview year ago interview year 10:30'

The output above shows how stop words, numbers and punctuation marks are removed. We can also see how incident and incidental are treated as separate words.

Lemmatizing data in the above manner, giving each string at a time is quite inefficient. We can use map(lemmatize) function to map the function to the entire column at once.

Apply to the whole dataset

df["SUMMARY_EN_LEMMA"] = df["SUMMARY_EN"].map(lemmatize)

Lemmatized version of the column is now stored in SUMMARY_EN_LEMM. Next we merge the non-textual columns of the dataset df with the lemmatized column and create the final dataset. This dataset will be split in to train, val and test sets for training the neural network.

1weather_cols = [f"WEATHER{i}" for i in range(1, 9)]
2features = df[["SUMMARY_EN_LEMMA"] + weather_cols]

X_main, X_test, y_main, y_test = \
3    train_test_split(features, target, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)

# As 0.25 x 0.8 = 0.2
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = \
4    train_test_split(X_main, y_main, test_size=0.25, random_state=1)

5X_train.shape, X_val.shape, X_test.shape
Defines the names of the columns that will be used for creating the final dataset
Selects the relevant input feature columns and stores it in features column
Splits the data in to main and test sets
Further splits the main set in to train and val sets
Returns the dimensions of the datasets
((4169, 9), (1390, 9), (1390, 9))

What is left?

print("Original:", df["SUMMARY_EN"].iloc[0][:250])
Original: V6357885318682, a 2000 Pontiac Montana minivan, made a left turn from a private driveway onto a northbound 5-lane two-way, dry asphalt roadway on a downhill grade.  The posted speed limit on this roadway was 80 kmph (50 MPH). V6357885318682 entered t
print("Lemmatized:", df["SUMMARY_EN_LEMMA"].iloc[0][:250])
Lemmatized: v6357885318682 pontiac montana minivan left turn private driveway northbound lane way dry asphalt roadway downhill grade post speed limit roadway kmph mph v6357885318682 enter roadway cross southbound lane enter northbound lane left turn lane way int
print("Original:", df["SUMMARY_EN"].iloc[1][:250])
Original: The crash occurred in the eastbound lane of a two-lane, two-way asphalt roadway on level grade.  The conditions were daylight and wet with cloudy skies in the early afternoon on a weekday.  
 V342542243, a 1995 Chevrolet Lumina was traveling eastbou
print("Lemmatized:", df["SUMMARY_EN_LEMMA"].iloc[1][:250])
Lemmatized: crash occur eastbound lane lane way asphalt roadway level grade condition daylight wet cloudy sky early afternoon weekday v342542243 chevrolet lumina travel eastbound v342542269 chevrolet trailblazer travel eastbound roadway v342542269 attempt left h

Keep 1,000 most frequent lemmas

vect = CountVectorizer(max_features=1_000, stop_words="english")["SUMMARY_EN_LEMMA"])
vocab = vect.get_feature_names_out()

The output after lemmatization, when compared with the previous output (with 1000 words) does not contain similar words.

print(vocab[:5], vocab[len(vocab)//2:(len(vocab)//2 + 5)], vocab[-5:])
['10' '150' '48kmph' '4x4' '56kmph'] ['let' 'level' 'lexus' 'license' 'light'] ['yaw' 'year' 'yellow' 'yield' 'zone']

The following code demonstrates the steps for training a neural network using lemmatized datasets:

  1. We start by using the vectorise_dataset function to convert the text data into numerical vectors.
  2. Next, we train the neural network model using the vectorized dataset.
  3. Finally, we assess the model’s performance

Create the X matrices:

X_train_bow = vectorise_dataset(X_train, vect, "SUMMARY_EN_LEMMA")
X_val_bow = vectorise_dataset(X_val, vect, "SUMMARY_EN_LEMMA")
X_test_bow = vectorise_dataset(X_test, vect, "SUMMARY_EN_LEMMA")

Check the input matrix

vectorise_dataset(X_train, vect, "SUMMARY_EN_LEMMA", dataframe=True)
10 150 48kmph 4x4 56kmph 64kmph 72kmph ability able accelerate ... yield zone WEATHER1 WEATHER2 WEATHER3 WEATHER4 WEATHER5 WEATHER6 WEATHER7 WEATHER8
2532 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6209 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2561 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6882 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6356 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4169 rows × 1008 columns

Make & inspect the model

num_features = X_train_bow.shape[1]
model = build_model(num_features, num_cats)
Model: "sequential_2"
┃ Layer (type)                     Output Shape                  Param # ┃
│ dense_4 (Dense)                 │ (None, 100)            │       100,900 │
│ dense_5 (Dense)                 │ (None, 3)              │           303 │
 Total params: 101,203 (395.32 KB)
 Trainable params: 101,203 (395.32 KB)
 Non-trainable params: 0 (0.00 B)

Fit & evaluate the model

es = EarlyStopping(patience=1, restore_best_weights=True,
    monitor="val_accuracy", verbose=2)
%time hist =, y_train, epochs=10, \
    callbacks=[es], validation_data=(X_val_bow, y_val), verbose=0);
Epoch 3: early stopping
Restoring model weights from the end of the best epoch: 2.
CPU times: user 1.79 s, sys: 248 ms, total: 2.04 s
Wall time: 1.96 s
model.evaluate(X_train_bow, y_train, verbose=0)
[0.09055039286613464, 0.9851283431053162, 0.9990405440330505]
model.evaluate(X_val_bow, y_val, verbose=0)
[3.8409152030944824, 0.9402877688407898, 0.9928057789802551]

Word Embeddings


In order for deep learning models to process language, we need to supply that language to the model in a way it can digest, i.e. a quantitative representation such as a 2-D matrix of numerical values.

Popular methods for converting text into numbers include:

  • One-hot encoding
  • Bag of words
  • TF-IDF
  • Word vectors (transfer learning)

Assigning Numbers

Word Vectors

  • One-hot representations capture word ‘existence’ only, whereas word vectors capture information about word meaning as well as location.
  • This enables deep learning NLP models to automatically learn linguistic features.
  • Word2Vec & GloVe are popular algorithms for generating word embeddings (i.e. word vectors).

Word Vectors

Illustrative word vectors.

Word vectors are a type of word embedding which can return numerical representations of words in a continuous vector space. There representations capture semantic knowledge of the words. For example, we can see how days are positioned closer to each other in a n-dimensional space.

  • Overarching concept is to assign each word within a corpus to a particular, meaningful location within a multidimensional space called the vector space.
  • Initially each word is assigned to a random location.
  • BUT by considering the words that tend to be used around a given word within the corpus, the locations of the words shift.

Remember this diagram?

Embeddings will gradually improve during training.

Embeddings are numerical representations of categorical data that were learned during the supervised learning process. However, numerical representations like Word2Vec & GloVe are popular algorithms for generating word embeddings that were trained by others, i.e. they are pretrained.


Key idea: You’re known by the company you keep.

Two algorithms are used to calculate embeddings:

  • Continuous bag of words: uses the context words to predict the target word
  • Skip-gram: uses the target word to predict the context words

Predictions are made using a neural network with one hidden layer. Through backpropagation, we update a set of “weights” which become the word vectors.

Word2Vec training methods

Continuous bag of words is a center word prediction task

Skip-gram is a neighbour word prediction task
Suggested viewing

Computerphile (2019), Vectoring Words (Word Embeddings), YouTube (16 mins).

The skip-gram network

The skip-gram model. Both the input vector \boldsymbol{x} and the output \boldsymbol{y} are one-hot encoded word representations. The hidden layer is the word embedding of size N.

Word Vector Arithmetic

Relationships between words becomes vector math.

You remember vectors, right?
  • E.g., if we calculate the direction and distance between the coordinates of the words Paris and France, and trace this direction and distance from London, we should be close to the word England.

Illustrative word vector arithmetic

Screenshot from Word2viz

Word Embeddings II

Pretrained word embeddings

1!pip install gensim
Imports the gensim library. This is a popular library for document analysis

Load word2vec embeddings trained on Google News:

1import gensim.downloader as api
2wv = api.load('word2vec-google-news-300')
Imports the gensim.downloader module from the gensim library and stores is as api. This module contains pretrained models including Word2Vec and GloVe that can be used for NLP tasks
Loads the Word2Vec from the word2vec-google-news-300 dataset and stores is as wv

When run for the first time, that downloads a huge file:

gensim_dir = Path("~/gensim-data/").expanduser()
[str(p) for p in gensim_dir.iterdir()]
next(gensim_dir.glob("*/*.gz")).stat().st_size / 1024**3
f"The size of the vocabulary is {len(wv)}"
'The size of the vocabulary is 3000000'

Treat wv like a dictionary

array([-1.26e-01,  2.54e-02,  1.67e-01,  5.51e-01, -7.67e-02,  1.29e-01,
        1.03e-01, -3.95e-04,  1.22e-01,  4.32e-02,  1.73e-01, -6.84e-02,
        3.42e-01,  8.40e-02,  6.69e-02,  2.68e-01, -3.71e-02, -5.57e-02,
        1.81e-01,  1.90e-02, -5.08e-02,  9.03e-03,  1.77e-01,  6.49e-02,
       -6.25e-02, -9.42e-02, -9.72e-02,  4.00e-01,  1.15e-01,  1.03e-01,
       -1.87e-02, -2.70e-01,  1.81e-01,  1.25e-01, -3.17e-02, -5.49e-02,
        3.46e-01, -1.57e-02,  1.82e-05,  2.07e-01, -1.26e-01, -2.83e-01,
        2.00e-01,  8.35e-02, -4.74e-02, -3.11e-02, -2.62e-01,  1.70e-01,
       -2.03e-02,  1.53e-01, -1.21e-01,  3.75e-01, -5.69e-02, -4.76e-03,
       -1.95e-01, -2.03e-01,  3.01e-01, -1.01e-01, -3.18e-01, -9.03e-02,
       -1.19e-01,  1.95e-01, -8.79e-02,  1.58e-01,  1.52e-02, -1.60e-01,
       -3.30e-01, -4.67e-01,  1.69e-01,  2.23e-02,  1.55e-01,  1.08e-01,
       -3.56e-02,  9.13e-02, -8.69e-02, -1.20e-01, -3.09e-01, -2.61e-02,
       -7.23e-02, -4.80e-01,  3.78e-02, -1.36e-01, -1.03e-01, -2.91e-01,
       -1.93e-01, -4.22e-01, -1.06e-01,  3.55e-01,  1.67e-01, -3.63e-03,
       -7.42e-02, -3.22e-01, -7.52e-02, -8.25e-02, -2.91e-01, -1.26e-01,
        1.68e-02,  5.00e-02,  1.28e-01, -7.42e-02, -1.31e-01, -2.46e-01,
        6.49e-02,  1.53e-01,  2.60e-01, -1.05e-01,  3.57e-01, -4.30e-02,
       -1.58e-01,  8.20e-02, -5.98e-02, -2.34e-01, -3.22e-01, -1.26e-01,
        5.40e-02, -1.88e-01,  1.36e-01, -6.59e-02,  8.36e-03, -1.85e-01,
       -2.97e-01, -1.85e-01, -4.74e-02, -1.06e-01, -6.93e-02,  3.83e-02,
       -3.20e-02,  3.64e-02, -1.20e-01,  1.77e-01, -1.16e-01,  1.99e-02,
        8.64e-02,  6.08e-02, -1.41e-01,  3.30e-01,  1.94e-01, -1.56e-01,
        3.93e-01,  1.81e-03,  7.28e-02, -2.54e-01, -3.54e-02,  2.87e-03,
       -1.73e-01,  9.77e-03, -1.56e-02,  3.23e-03, -1.70e-01,  1.55e-01,
        7.18e-02,  4.10e-01, -2.11e-01,  1.32e-01,  7.63e-03,  4.79e-02,
       -4.54e-02,  7.32e-02, -4.06e-01, -2.06e-02, -4.04e-01, -1.01e-01,
       -2.03e-01,  1.55e-01, -1.89e-01,  6.59e-02,  6.54e-02, -2.05e-01,
        5.47e-02, -3.06e-02, -1.54e-01, -2.62e-01,  3.81e-03, -8.20e-02,
       -3.20e-01,  2.84e-02,  2.70e-01,  1.74e-01, -1.67e-01,  2.23e-01,
        6.35e-02, -1.96e-01,  1.46e-01, -1.56e-02,  2.60e-02, -6.30e-02,
        2.94e-02,  3.28e-01, -4.69e-02, -1.52e-01,  6.98e-02,  3.18e-01,
       -1.08e-01,  3.66e-02, -1.99e-01,  1.64e-03,  6.41e-03, -1.47e-01,
       -6.25e-02, -4.36e-03, -2.75e-01,  8.54e-02, -5.00e-02, -3.12e-01,
       -1.34e-01, -1.99e-01,  5.18e-02, -9.28e-02, -2.40e-01, -7.86e-02,
       -1.54e-01, -6.64e-02, -1.97e-01,  1.77e-01, -1.57e-01, -1.63e-01,
        6.01e-02, -5.86e-02, -2.23e-01, -6.59e-02, -9.38e-02, -4.14e-01,
        2.56e-01, -1.77e-01,  2.52e-01,  1.48e-01, -1.04e-01, -8.61e-03,
       -1.23e-01, -9.23e-02,  4.42e-02, -1.71e-01, -1.98e-01,  1.92e-01,
        2.85e-01, -4.35e-02,  1.08e-01, -5.37e-02, -2.10e-02,  1.46e-01,
        3.83e-01,  2.32e-02, -8.84e-02,  7.32e-02, -1.01e-01, -1.06e-01,
        4.12e-01,  2.11e-01,  2.79e-01, -2.09e-02,  2.07e-01,  9.81e-02,
        2.39e-01,  7.67e-02,  2.02e-01, -6.08e-02, -2.64e-03, -1.84e-01,
       -1.57e-02, -3.20e-01,  9.03e-02,  1.02e-01, -4.96e-01, -9.72e-02,
       -8.11e-02, -1.81e-01, -1.46e-01,  8.64e-02, -2.04e-01, -2.02e-01,
       -5.47e-02,  2.54e-01,  2.09e-02, -1.16e-01,  2.02e-01, -8.06e-02,
       -1.05e-01, -7.96e-02,  1.97e-02, -2.49e-01,  1.31e-01,  2.89e-01,
       -2.26e-01,  4.55e-01, -2.73e-01, -2.58e-01, -3.15e-02,  4.04e-01,
       -2.68e-01,  2.89e-01, -1.84e-01, -1.48e-01, -1.07e-01,  1.28e-01,
        5.47e-01, -8.69e-02, -1.48e-02,  6.98e-02, -8.50e-02, -1.55e-01],

Find nearby word vectors

With wv, we can find words similar for a given word, or compute the similarity between two words.

[('Jython', 0.6152505874633789),
 ('Perl_Python', 0.5710949897766113),
 ('IronPython', 0.5704679489135742),
 ('scripting_languages', 0.5695090889930725),
 ('PHP_Perl', 0.5687724947929382),
 ('Java_Python', 0.5681070685386658),
 ('PHP', 0.5660915970802307),
 ('Python_Ruby', 0.5632461905479431),
 ('Visual_Basic', 0.5603480339050293),
 ('Perl', 0.5530891418457031)]
wv.similarity("Python", "Java")
wv.similarity("Python", "sport")
wv.similarity("Python", "R")

What does ‘similarity’ mean?

The ‘similarity’ scores

wv.similarity("Sydney", "Melbourne")

are normally based on cosine distance.

x = wv["Sydney"]
y = wv["Melbourne"] / (np.linalg.norm(x) * np.linalg.norm(y))
wv.similarity("Sydney", "Aarhus")

Weng’s GoT Word2Vec

In the GoT word embedding space, the top similar words to “king” and “queen” are:

('kings', 0.897245) 
('baratheon', 0.809675) 
('son', 0.763614)
('robert', 0.708522)
('lords', 0.698684)
('joffrey', 0.696455)
('prince', 0.695699)
('brother', 0.685239)
('aerys', 0.684527)
('stannis', 0.682932)
('cersei', 0.942618)
('joffrey', 0.933756)
('margaery', 0.931099)
('sister', 0.928902)
('prince', 0.927364)
('uncle', 0.922507)
('varys', 0.918421)
('ned', 0.917492)
('melisandre', 0.915403)
('robb', 0.915272)

Combining word vectors

You can summarise a sentence by averaging the individual word vectors.

sv = (wv["Melbourne"] + wv["has"] + wv["better"] + wv["coffee"]) / 4
len(sv), sv[:5]
(300, array([-0.08, -0.11, -0.16,  0.24,  0.06], dtype=float32))

As it turns out, averaging word embeddings is a surprisingly effective way to create word embeddings. It’s not perfect (as you’ll see), but it does a strong job of capturing what you might perceive to be complex relationships between words.

Recipe recommender

Recipes are the average of the word vectors of the ingredients.

Nearest neighbours used to classify new recipes as potentially delicious.

Analogies with word vectors

Obama is to America as ___ is to Australia.

\text{Obama} - \text{America} + \text{Australia} = ?

wv.most_similar(positive=["Obama", "Australia"], negative=["America"])
[('Mr_Rudd', 0.6151423454284668),
 ('Prime_Minister_Julia_Gillard', 0.6045385003089905),
 ('Prime_Minister_Kevin_Rudd', 0.5982581973075867),
 ('Kevin_Rudd', 0.5627648830413818),
 ('Ms_Gillard', 0.5517690777778625),
 ('Opposition_Leader_Kevin_Rudd', 0.5298037528991699),
 ('Mr_Beazley', 0.5259249210357666),
 ('Gillard', 0.5250653624534607),
 ('NARDA_GILMORE', 0.5203536748886108),
 ('Mr_Downer', 0.5150347948074341)]

Testing more associations

wv.most_similar(positive=["France", "London"], negative=["Paris"])
[('Britain', 0.7368935346603394),
 ('UK', 0.6637030839920044),
 ('England', 0.6119861602783203),
 ('United_Kingdom', 0.6067784428596497),
 ('Great_Britain', 0.5870823860168457),
 ('Britian', 0.5852951407432556),
 ('Scotland', 0.5410018563270569),
 ('British', 0.5318332314491272),
 ('Europe', 0.5307435989379883),
 ('East_Midlands', 0.5230222344398499)]

Quickly get to bad associations

wv.most_similar(positive=["King", "woman"], negative=["man"])
[('Queen', 0.5515626668930054),
 ('Oprah_BFF_Gayle', 0.47597548365592957),
 ('Geoffrey_Rush_Exit', 0.46460166573524475),
 ('Princess', 0.4533674716949463),
 ('Yvonne_Stickney', 0.4507041573524475),
 ('L._Bonauto', 0.4422135353088379),
 ('gal_pal_Gayle', 0.4408389925956726),
 ('Alveda_C.', 0.4402790665626526),
 ('Tupou_V.', 0.4373864233493805),
 ('K._Letourneau', 0.4351031482219696)]
wv.most_similar(positive=["computer_programmer", "woman"], negative=["man"])
[('homemaker', 0.5627118945121765),
 ('housewife', 0.5105047225952148),
 ('graphic_designer', 0.505180299282074),
 ('schoolteacher', 0.497949481010437),
 ('businesswoman', 0.493489146232605),
 ('paralegal', 0.49255111813545227),
 ('registered_nurse', 0.4907974898815155),
 ('saleswoman', 0.4881627559661865),
 ('electrical_engineer', 0.4797725975513458),
 ('mechanical_engineer', 0.4755399227142334)]

Bias in NLP models

… there are serious questions to answer, like how are we going to teach AI using public data without incorporating the worst traits of humanity? If we create bots that mirror their users, do we care if their users are human trash? There are plenty of examples of technology embodying — either accidentally or on purpose — the prejudices of society, and Tay’s adventures on Twitter show that even big corporations like Microsoft forget to take any preventative measures against these problems.

The library cheats a little bit

wv.similar_by_vector(wv["computer_programmer"] - wv["man"] + wv["woman"])
[('computer_programmer', 0.910581111907959),
 ('homemaker', 0.5771316289901733),
 ('schoolteacher', 0.5500192046165466),
 ('graphic_designer', 0.5464698672294617),
 ('mechanical_engineer', 0.539836585521698),
 ('electrical_engineer', 0.5337055325508118),
 ('housewife', 0.5274525284767151),
 ('programmer', 0.5096209049224854),
 ('businesswoman', 0.5029540657997131),
 ('keypunch_operator', 0.4974639415740967)]

To get the ‘nice’ analogies, the .most_similar ignores the input words as possible answers.

# ignore (don't return) keys from the input
result = [
    (self.index_to_key[sim + clip_start], float(dists[sim]))
    for sim in best if (sim + clip_start) not in all_keys

Car Crash NLP Part II

Predict injury severity

features = df["SUMMARY_EN"]
target = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(df["INJSEVB"])

X_main, X_test, y_main, y_test = \
    train_test_split(features, target, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = \
    train_test_split(X_main, y_main, test_size=0.25, random_state=1)
X_train.shape, X_val.shape, X_test.shape
((4169,), (1390,), (1390,))

Using Keras TextVectorization

max_tokens = 1_000
vect = layers.TextVectorization(

vocab = vect.get_vocabulary()

X_train_txt = vect(X_train)
X_val_txt = vect(X_val)
X_test_txt = vect(X_test)

['[UNK]', 'the', 'was', 'a', 'to', 'of', 'and', 'in', 'driver', 'for', 'this', 'vehicle', 'critical', 'lane', 'he', 'on', 'with', 'that', 'left', 'roadway', 'coded', 'she', 'event', 'crash', 'not', 'at', 'intersection', 'traveling', 'right', 'precrash', 'as', 'from', 'were', 'by', 'had', 'reason', 'his', 'side', 'is', 'front', 'her', 'traffic', 'an', 'it', 'two', 'speed', 'stated', 'one', 'occurred', 'no']

The TF-IDF vectors

pd.DataFrame(X_train_txt, columns=vocab, index=X_train.index)
[UNK] the was a to of and in driver for ... encroaching closely ordinarily locked history fourleg determined box altima above
2532 121.857979 42.274662 10.395409 10.395409 11.785541 8.323526 8.323526 9.775118 3.489896 4.168983 ... 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
6209 72.596237 17.325682 10.395409 5.544218 4.159603 5.549018 7.629900 4.887559 4.187876 6.253474 ... 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2561 124.450699 30.493198 15.246599 11.088436 9.012472 7.629900 8.323526 2.792891 3.489896 5.558644 ... 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
6882 75.188965 20.790817 4.851191 7.623300 9.012472 4.855391 4.161763 2.094668 5.583834 2.084491 ... 0.0 0.0 3.61771 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
206 147.785202 27.028063 13.167518 6.237246 8.319205 4.855391 6.242645 2.094668 3.489896 9.032796 ... 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
6356 75.188965 15.246599 9.702381 8.316327 7.625938 5.549018 7.629900 8.378673 2.791917 5.558644 ... 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

4169 rows × 1000 columns

Feed TF-IDF into an ANN

tfidf_model = keras.models.Sequential([
    layers.Dense(250, "relu"),
    layers.Dense(1, "sigmoid")

tfidf_model.compile("adam", "binary_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"])
Model: "sequential_3"
┃ Layer (type)                     Output Shape                  Param # ┃
│ dense_6 (Dense)                 │ (None, 250)            │       250,250 │
│ dense_7 (Dense)                 │ (None, 1)              │           251 │
 Total params: 250,501 (978.52 KB)
 Trainable params: 250,501 (978.52 KB)
 Non-trainable params: 0 (0.00 B)

Fit & evaluate

es = keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(patience=10, restore_best_weights=True,
    monitor="val_accuracy", verbose=2)

if not Path("tfidf-model.keras").exists():, y_train, epochs=1_000, callbacks=es,
        validation_data=(X_val_txt, y_val), verbose=0)"tfidf-model.keras")
    tfidf_model = keras.models.load_model("tfidf-model.keras")
tfidf_model.evaluate(X_train_txt, y_train, verbose=0, batch_size=1_000)
[0.11705566942691803, 0.9575437903404236]
tfidf_model.evaluate(X_val_txt, y_val, verbose=0, batch_size=1_000)
[0.3212660849094391, 0.8848921060562134]

Keep text as sequence of tokens

max_length = 500
max_tokens = 1_000
vect = layers.TextVectorization(

vocab = vect.get_vocabulary()

X_train_txt = vect(X_train)
X_val_txt = vect(X_val)
X_test_txt = vect(X_test)

['', '[UNK]', 'the', 'was', 'a', 'to', 'of', 'and', 'in', 'driver', 'for', 'this', 'vehicle', 'critical', 'lane', 'he', 'on', 'with', 'that', 'left', 'roadway', 'coded', 'she', 'event', 'crash', 'not', 'at', 'intersection', 'traveling', 'right', 'precrash', 'as', 'from', 'were', 'by', 'had', 'reason', 'his', 'side', 'is', 'front', 'her', 'traffic', 'an', 'it', 'two', 'speed', 'stated', 'one', 'occurred']

A sequence of integers

<tf.Tensor: shape=(500,), dtype=int64, numpy=
array([ 11,  24,  49,   8,   2, 253, 219,   6,   4, 165,   8,   2, 410,
         6,   4, 564, 971,  27,   2,  27, 568,   6,   4, 192,   1,  45,
        51, 208,  65, 235,  54,  14,  20, 867,  34,  43, 183,   1,  45,
        51, 208,  65, 235,  54,  14,  20, 178,  34,   4, 676,   1,  42,
       237,   2, 153, 192,  20,   3, 107,   7,  75,  17,   4, 612, 441,
       549,   2,  88,  46,   3, 207,  63, 185,  55,   2,  42, 243,   3,
       400,   7,  58,  33,  50, 172, 251,  84,  26,   2,  60,   6,   2,
        24,   1,   4, 402, 970,   1,   1,   3,  68,  26,   2,  27,  94,
       118,   8,  14, 101, 311,  10,   2, 237,   5, 422, 269,  44, 154,
        54,  19,   1,   4, 308, 342,   1,   3,  79,   8,  14,  45, 159,
         2, 121,  27, 190,  44, 598,   5, 325,  75,  70,   2, 105, 189,
       231,   1, 241,  81,  19,  31,   1, 193,   2,  54,  81,   9, 134,
         4, 174,  12,  17,   1, 390,   1, 159,   2,  27,  32,   2, 119,
         1,  68,   8,   2, 410,   6,   2,  27,   8,   1,   5,   2, 159,
       174,  12,   1, 168,   2,  27,   7,  69,   2,  40,   6,   1,  17,
        81,  40,  19, 246,  73,  83,  64,   5, 129,  56,   8,   2,  27,
         7,  33,  73,  71,  57,   5,  82,   2,   9,   6,   1,   4,   1,
        59, 382,   5, 113,   8, 276, 258,   1, 317, 928, 284,  10, 784,
       294, 462, 483,   7,   1,  15,   3,  16,  37, 112,   5, 677, 144,
         1,  26,   2,  60,   6,   2,  24,  15,  47,  18,  70,   2, 105,
       429,  15,  35, 448,   1,   5, 493,  37,  54,  62,  68,  25,   1,
        33,   5, 325,  70,  15, 134,   2, 174, 232, 406,  15, 341, 134,
         1, 691,   2,  27,   7,  15,   1,  10,  93,  15,   3,  25, 216,
         8,   2,  24,   2,  13,  30,  23,  10,   1,   3,  21,  11,  12,
        28,  76,   2,  14, 130,  19,  38,   6, 106,  14,   2,  13,  36,
         3,  21,  31,   4,   9,  91, 180,   1, 137,   1,   2,  87,  97,
        21,   5,   1, 285,  43,   1, 511, 569,  15, 775, 140,   1,   2,
        27,   7,  25,  68,  31, 184,  31,   2, 159, 174,  12,   1,   2,
        42,   1,   2,   9,   6,   1,   4,   1,  59,   8, 276, 258,   3,
       489,  37, 753, 544,  10,   4, 975, 313,  26,   2,  60,   6,   2,
        24,  15,   3,  16,  37, 112, 110,  32, 151,  70,   2,  24,  49,
        15,  47,  15,   3,  79,   8,  14, 191,  31,   2,  42, 105, 189,
       231,  15, 647,   2,  12,   8,   2,  19,  94, 118,  35,   1,   5,
        54,  19,   7, 141,   2,  27,  15,   1,  31,   2,  12, 347,  81,
        54,   7,  90,   8,   2, 410,   6,   2,  27,  15, 503,  62, 154,
        25, 143,   1,  15, 157, 134,   2, 174,  12,  17,  81, 390,   7,
         1,  16, 111,  15, 168,   2,  27,  15, 588, 329, 117,   7,   3,
       163,   5, 113, 947, 175,  26,   4, 643,   1,   2,  13,  30,  23,
        10,   1,   3,  21,  52,  12])>

Feed LSTM a sequence of one-hots

from keras.layers import CategoryEncoding, Bidirectional, LSTM
one_hot_model = Sequential([Input(shape=(max_length,), dtype="int64"),
    CategoryEncoding(num_tokens=max_tokens, output_mode="one_hot"),
    Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")])
    loss="binary_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"])
Model: "sequential_4"
┃ Layer (type)                     Output Shape                  Param # ┃
│ category_encoding               │ (None, 500, 1000)      │             0 │
│ (CategoryEncoding)              │                        │               │
│ bidirectional (Bidirectional)   │ (None, 48)             │       196,800 │
│ dense_8 (Dense)                 │ (None, 1)              │            49 │
 Total params: 196,849 (768.94 KB)
 Trainable params: 196,849 (768.94 KB)
 Non-trainable params: 0 (0.00 B)

Fit & evaluate

es = keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(patience=10, restore_best_weights=True,
    monitor="val_accuracy", verbose=2)

if not Path("one-hot-model.keras").exists():, y_train, epochs=1_000, callbacks=es,
        validation_data=(X_val_txt, y_val), verbose=0);"one-hot-model.keras")
    one_hot_model = keras.models.load_model("one-hot-model.keras")
one_hot_model.evaluate(X_train_txt, y_train, verbose=0, batch_size=1_000)
[0.3188040852546692, 0.8918206095695496]
one_hot_model.evaluate(X_val_txt, y_val, verbose=0, batch_size=1_000)
[0.37093353271484375, 0.8776978254318237]

Custom embeddings

from keras.layers import Embedding
embed_lstm = Sequential([Input(shape=(max_length,), dtype="int64"),
    Embedding(input_dim=max_tokens, output_dim=32, mask_zero=True),
    Dense(1, activation="sigmoid")])
embed_lstm.compile("adam", "binary_crossentropy", metrics=["accuracy"])
Model: "sequential_5"
┃ Layer (type)                     Output Shape                  Param # ┃
│ embedding (Embedding)           │ (None, 500, 32)        │        32,000 │
│ bidirectional_1 (Bidirectional) │ (None, 48)             │        10,944 │
│ dense_9 (Dense)                 │ (None, 1)              │            49 │
 Total params: 42,993 (167.94 KB)
 Trainable params: 42,993 (167.94 KB)
 Non-trainable params: 0 (0.00 B)

Fit & evaluate

es = keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(patience=10, restore_best_weights=True,
    monitor="val_accuracy", verbose=2)

if not Path("embed-lstm.keras").exists():, y_train, epochs=1_000, callbacks=es,
        validation_data=(X_val_txt, y_val), verbose=0);"embed-lstm.keras")
    embed_lstm = keras.models.load_model("embed-lstm.keras")
embed_lstm.evaluate(X_train_txt, y_train, verbose=0, batch_size=1_000)
2024-07-14 12:38:24.722790: E tensorflow/core/util/] oneDNN supports DT_BOOL only on platforms with AVX-512. Falling back to the default Eigen-based implementation if present.
[0.27049171924591064, 0.9030942916870117]
embed_lstm.evaluate(X_val_txt, y_val, verbose=0, batch_size=1_000)
[0.36852043867111206, 0.8553956747055054]
embed_lstm.evaluate(X_test_txt, y_test, verbose=0, batch_size=1_000)
[0.3872850239276886, 0.8467625975608826]

Package Versions

from watermark import watermark
print(watermark(python=True, packages="keras,matplotlib,numpy,pandas,seaborn,scipy,torch,tensorflow,tf_keras"))
Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.11.9
IPython version      : 8.24.0

keras     : 3.3.3
matplotlib: 3.9.0
numpy     : 1.26.4
pandas    : 2.2.2
seaborn   : 0.13.2
scipy     : 1.11.0
torch     : 2.3.1
tensorflow: 2.16.1
tf_keras  : 2.16.0


  • bag of words
  • lemmatization
  • n-grams
  • one-hot embedding
  • TF-IDF
  • vocabulary
  • word embedding
  • word2vec